Bilag D Parternes regulering af andre forhold (PAJ tillæg)
D.1 Data sendt fra FDM til Fuel Vision anonymiseres. Muligheden for identifikation af de enkelte piloter både direkte og indirekte skal udelukkes, herunder muligheden for identifikation via databaser, tekniske installationer og registersamkøring.
D.2 Det sikres, at Jettime ikke har adgang til at identificere hvorvidt den enkelte pilot har samtykket.
D.3 Muligheden for direkte eller indirekte identifikation af piloter der ikke har samtykket skal udelukkes, herunder muligheden for identifikation via databaser, tekniske installationer og registersamkøring.
D.4 Den enkelt pilot kan med sit utvetydige samtykke undsige sig anonymitet i forhold til Fuel Vision således, at udelukkende Fuel Vision har kendskab til den enkeltes identitet og kan sammenkæde data med denne identitet.
D.5 Den enkelte pilot kan gives adgang til data vedrørende egne flyvninger. Dette forudsætter den enkelte pilots utvetydige samtykke er givet til Fuel Vision.
D.6 Den enkelte pilot kan til enhver tid tilbagekalde sit samtykke. Ved en pilots tilbagekald af samtykke, er Fuel Vision forpligtet til at slette alle personoplysninger vedrørende pågældende pilot samt sikre, at data ikke længere hverken direkte eller indirekte kan tilknyttes pågældende pilot. Fuel Vision skal over for den enkelte pilot skriftligt bekræfte dette er sket.
D.7 En repræsentant fra Pilot Association Jet Time (PAJ), udvalgt af PAJ’s bestyrelse, samt Jettime’s Safety and Compliance Unit (SCU), har til enhver tid fuld adgang til alle data og brugerflader med henblik på tilsyn med denne aftales overholdelse. Fuel Vision er forpligtet til at bistå PAJ og Jettime i dette arbejde.
D.8 Fuel Vision er forpligtet til løbende at tilkendegive hvilken type data fra FDM der sendes fra Jettime og publicere disse i en liste. Listen skal være tilgængelig for alle piloter i Jettime.
D.9 FDM-data og/eller metadata skal anses som fortrolig information, der under ingen omstændigheder må videregives af Fuel Vision, uden for de rammer nævnt i denne aftale.
D.10 Jettime og Fuel Vision er begge forpligtet til øjeblikkeligt at underrette PAJ såfremt der konstateres brud på denne aftale. Dette er især gældende ved brud på anonymiteten.
FuelVision - Terms of Service
User and Partner Terms of Service
By using the FuelVision Service, the User or Partner agrees to these Terms of Service. Please read the following Terms of Service carefully before using the FuelVision Service. If you do not agree with the Terms of Service, please do not use the FuelVision Service. These Terms of Service apply to any use of the FuelVision Service and to the Agreements between a Partner and the User. A more detailed description of the FuelVision Service and information on system requirements are available at If you register as a company, association or any other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorised to bind the entity into these Terms of Service.
1. Definitions
“Partner” means an airline, company, or similar body that has entered into an agreement with FuelVision and who offers its content, experiences, and brand affiliation to benefit pilots or the aviation landscape through the FuelVision
“Partner Representative” means any natural or legal entity that is legally obliged to represent the Partner when entering into agreements.
“FuelVision” means FuelVision ApS Artillerivej 86, 2th Islands Brygge 2300 København SCVR 41899123 for Users registered in any location.
"FuelVision App” means any digital application called FuelVision provided by FuelVision Aps for natural and legal persons to access to historical FDM data for planning users' flights and afterwards analysing their individual performance.
“FuelVision Service” means both FuelVision App and FuelVision website and other additional locations as mentioned at
“User” means a natural or legal person using the FuelVision Service, as either a pilot, operation manager or similar entity.
2. Description and Purpose of the FuelVision Service
2.1. FuelVision acts as a tool to assist pilots in becoming more fuel efficient on their flights.
2.2 The Partners cannot provide any information through the FuelVision Service.
2.3 A User may activate their profile through their company email once they receive their invite.
2.4 The objective of providing FuelVision with this data is to help Users to track, and progress through their pilot careers and assist airlines in decreasing their environmental impact. The data provided by the Partners is used by FuelVision to analyse the fuel consumption of the collective of pilots as a whole, and to connect Users with flights in order to provide an evaluation and give feedback.
3. User Accounts
3.1 In order to use the FuelVision Service, the User must activate their user account by following the registration instructions in the FuelVision email invite. The FuelVision Service credentials are personal. The User shall ensure that any user account credentials and equivalent information required to access the user account of the User are kept confidential and used in a secure manner not accessible by third parties. A User can have only one user account.
3.2 Where it is suspected that any unauthorised person has become aware of a User’s user account credentials or has access to the user account of the User, the User shall immediately inform FuelVision thereof. The User shall be responsible for any use of the FuelVision Service and any activity under the user account of the User.
3.3 In order to use the FuelVision Services, the User must input valid and accurate results and data to the best of their ability. The User agrees to adhere to these rules. The User is responsible to keep their data up to date and accurate, in order to benefit from any profiling, or celebration from Partners or from FuelVision.
3.4 Should a User not adhere to these terms of use, FuelVision may use its discretion to remove that account.
4. Data
4.1 The purpose of utilising the User’s data will be in the spirit of benefitting the aviation industry as a whole, and the User themselves wherever possible.
4.2 FuelVision will request data that is closely linked to 2.4, and will minimise excessive data collection.
4.3 Users' email addresses will be provided together with FDM data in order to pair users with their flights, email addresses will be encoded to obscure any possible identifiable method to avoid assessing individual performance.
4.4 FuelVision shall store the data on Users for an unlimited period of time. This is to monitor progression over time, as well as to follow trends in the airline’s operation as a whole. If the User does not agree with this, they may request that their UserID be deleted and their flights will not be related to a specific user.
4.5 FuelVision will take any reasonable steps to ensure that personal data is kept secure - against both external and internal threats.
4.6 The data provided by Users to the FuelVision service may not be accessed directly by third-party providers. This data will be made anonymous, and may not be hosted on a third-party provider’s server.
4.7 Furthermore, the User may at any period request for a complete set of their data from FuelVision. In this case, the User should submit the request via email to
[email protected]. The company will provide the data to the user in a reasonable time period.
5. Partner Accounts
5.1 In order to use the FuelVision Service, the applicable Partner Representative must accept the terms of use on behalf of the Partner. By accepting these terms of use, the Partner Representative accepts on behalf of the Partner itself. The Partner is then bound by the agreement.
5.2 Upon agreeing to the terms of use, the Partner shall be required to activate their pilot force and managers and encourage them to join the FuelVision Service.
5.3 Once the agreed upon the community is present on FuelVision, the Partner will then receive various benefits from FuelVision, including but not limited to an official Partner page on the FuelVision Service, data on the pilot’s collective performance but never individual pilots’ data.
6. Intellectual Property Rights
6.1 All Intellectual Property Rights in or related to the FuelVision Service and thereto related documentation and all parts and copies thereof shall remain exclusively vested with and be the sole and exclusive property of FuelVision and/or its subcontractors/licensors. “Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean copyrights and related rights (including database and catalogue rights and photography rights), patents, utility models, design rights, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets, know-how and any other form of registered or unregistered intellectual property rights.
6.2 These Terms of Service do not grant the User any Intellectual Property Rights in the FuelVision Service and all rights not expressly granted hereunder are reserved by FuelVision and its subcontractors/licensors.
7. Additional Provisions for use of the FuelVision Service
7.1 The FuelVision Service is only available to personnel operating and hired by customer portfolio airlines and will only have access to their airline's data.
7.2 We are constantly developing the FuelVision Service and we may change or remove different parts of the FuelVision Service, including features, products and Partners available in the FuelVision Service in part or in whole.
7.3 Users and Partners shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining any devices or equipment (such as mobile phones) and connections needed for access to and use of the FuelVision Service and all charges related thereto.
7.4 The User or Partner will not:
(i) use or attempt to use another person’s FuelVision account and/or access another person’s performance data on the FuelVision Service or use another person’s input data when using the FuelVision Service, without consent of that other person;
(ii) copy, modify or create derivative works of the FuelVision Service or any related technology;
(iii) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the FuelVision Services or any related technology, or any part thereof;
(iv) remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on the FuelVision Service; (iv) remove, cover or obscure any advertisement included on the FuelVision Service;
(v) collect, use, copy, or transfer any information obtained from the FuelVision Service without the consent of FuelVision;
(vi) use bots or other automated methods to use the FuelVision Service;
(vii) create a FuelVision account using a fake identity or an identity of another person; and
(viii) access the FuelVision Service except through the interfaces expressly provided by FuelVision, such as the FuelVision App and FuelVision Website.
7.5 FuelVision shall process any personal data collected from the User in accordance with the FuelVision Privacy Statement.
8. Term and termination
8.1 These Terms of Service are in force as a binding agreement until further notice as long as the User or Partner is using the FuelVision Service.
8.2 The User or Partner can discontinue the use of the FuelVision Service according to their contract. FuelVision can discontinue providing the FuelVision Service permanently or temporarily at any time.
9. Limitation of Liability
The following section is only applicable to non-consumer Users of the FuelVision Service. Under no circumstances shall FuelVision be liable to the User for any indirect damages, including lost profits, lost sales or business, lost data or business interruption, or for any direct damages as a result of third-party agreements between Users and Partners.
10. Complaints
10.1 Please note that the FuelVision Service may at any time be interrupted or permanently discontinued. The FuelVision Service may also be temporarily suspended. Do not use FuelVision Services for backing up any data.
10.2 The Partner is solely liable for any misuse of data on behalf of their members, based on their agreement.
11. Applicable Law, Dispute Resolution, and Governing Language 1
1.1 These Terms of Service shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Denmark. If you are a consumer domiciled in the EU, please note that you cannot be deprived of the rights granted to you by the mandatory consumer protection laws of your country of domicile. Disputes arising from these Terms of Service shall be resolved by the district court of Copenhagen. A consumer may always institute proceedings in the district court of its domicile. Parties may also use the ODR platform managed by the European Commission to settle their disputes. This platform can be found at
11.2 When interpreting these terms, the English version will be seen as decisive and binding.
12. Amendments
12.1 These FuelVision Terms of Service are subject to amendments.
12.2 FuelVision shall publish the amended FuelVision Terms of Service at the FuelVision Website and inform the User and Partners that the FuelVision Terms of Service have been amended on the FuelVision Service or by email to the email address submitted to the FuelVision Service by the User or by the Partner. If the User or Partner does not agree to any amended FuelVision Terms of Service, this entity, natural or legal, shall discontinue the use of the FuelVision Service.
13. Assignment
13.1 FuelVision shall be entitled to assign all or any of its rights or obligations hereunder in whole or part to an affiliate or successor or to a purchaser or acquirer of its business assets relating to FuelVision Service without the User or Partner’s prior consent.
13.2 The User or Partner shall not be entitled to assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder in whole or part.
Updated 03.01.2023